Optical determination of the antiferromagnetic exchange constant between nearest-neighbor Mn2+ ions in Cd0.95Mn0.05Te

Optical splittings of the band-edge exciton in Cd0.95 Mn0.05Te have been measured at 1.45 K with dc magnetic fields B up to 20 T, using magnetoreflectance in the Faraday configuration. The splitting ΔE3/2 between the highest- and lowest-energy components, involving ±(3/2) hole states, follows a modified Brillouin function at low values of B. At higher values of B, ΔE3/2 exhibits temperature-broadened, steplike increases due to the magnetic-field-induced alignment of the antiferromagnetically coupled nearest-neighbor (NN) Mn2+-ion pairs. The first of the expected five steps was observed at B1=11.5±0.5 T, which yields a value JNN=7.7±0.3 K for the Mn2+ nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic exchange constant. The presence of a second step is indicated at B2=19.5±1.0 T, somewhat below the predicted value of 2B1.