In recent years, the large majority of angioid streak cases has been correlated with either pseudoxanthoma elasticum or osteitis deformans (Paget's disease). It is becoming more unusual to find reports of angioid streaks unrelated to one of these diseases. This is chiefly due to more astute clinical recognition of pseudoxanthoma elasticum, and probably because diagnosis of the streaks has become more precise. This paper presents two young men with angioid streaks, neither of whom had the commonly associated systemic diseases; both had sickle cell anemia. These two patients have been referred to in an earlier publication.1Angioid streaks in cases of sickle cell disease have not been previously reported. Report of Cases Case 1. —A 30-year-old Negro man was twice admitted to the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness for diagnostic studies pertaining to ocular lesions identified as angioid streaks. He was first admitted in April, 1958, and