Preoperative Normovolemic Hemodilution in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Normovolemic autotransfusion was used with 11 healthy females who were about to undergo multiple aesthetic plastic surgeries. After collecting a unit of blood immediately prior to surgery, a quick infusion of isotonic saline solution is made, at a 4-to-1 ratio, until reaching a hematocrit equal to or lower than 30%, thus inducing olighemia. The intended consequence is that blood lost during surgery be poor in red cell mass, which means reduced blood loss, leading to improved tissue oxygenation and decreased risk of thromboembolism. The blood thus collected is reinstilled at the end of the intervention. Results indicate that the technique can be prescribed and bring benefits to any patient entering surgery for which the surgeon anticipates heavy blood loss. The method proposed herein is presented as an alternative to homologous and autologous programmed transfusions and as equivalent to these in terms of volume replenishment.