Limits of fine‐mapping a quantitative trait

Once a significant linkage is found, an important goal is reducing the error in the estimated location of the linked locus. A common approach to reducing location error, called fine-mapping, is the genotyping of additional markers in the linked region to increase the genetic information. The utility of fine-mapping for quantitative trait linkage analysis is largely unknown. To explore this issue, we performed a fine-mapping simulation in which the region containing a significant linkage at a 10-centiMorgan (cM) resolution was fine-mapped at 2, 1, and 0.5 cM. We simulated six quantitative trait models in which the proportion of variation due to the quantitative trait locus (QTL) ranged from 0.20–0.90. We used four sampling designs that were all combinations of 100 and 200 families of sizes 5 and 7. Variance components linkage analysis (Genehunter) was performed until 1,000 replicates were found with a maximum lodscore greater than 3.0. For each of these 1,000 replications, we repeated the linkage analysis three times: once for each of the fine-map resolutions. For the most realistic model, reduction in the average location error ranged from 3–15% for 2-cM fine-mapping and from 3–18% for 1-cM fine-mapping, depending on the number of families and family size. Fine-mapping at 0.5 cM did not differ from the 1-cM results. Thus, if the QTL accounts for a small proportion of the variation, as is the case for realistic traits, fine-mapping has little value. Genet Epidemiol 24:99–106, 2003.