Echo‐doppler measurement of splanchnic blood flow in control and cirrhotic subjects

Blood flow in the splanchnic veins was studied in cirrhotics and matched controls by means of a system that combines a mechanical sector scanner with a pulsed Doppler. The measurements were validated in an in vitro model. Echo-doppler studies could be carried out reproducibly in only approximately two-thirds of cases because of poor echo transmission or incomplete cooperation. Portal blood velocity was significantly reduced in cirrhotics (10.5 ± 0.6 cds versus 16.0 ± 0.5 in controls; p < 0.001), but portal blood flow was normal because of enlarged portal caliber. A complete hemodynamic evaluation of the splenic and superior mesenteric veins was possible in only a few subjects. In selected patients the technique may prove relevant in the study of hemodynamic effects of drugs and surgery on portal blood flow.