Hereditary Choroidoretinal Degeneration

Introduction Cases which seem to be similar to those described by Falls and Cotterman31 as choroidoretinal degeneration have been described by a number of authors,1-29 and there have been a few reports of patients in whom intermediate sex-linked inheritance of the disease was demonstrable.23,30-35 The fundi of these patients exhibit changes in both the retina and the choroid. The choroidal changes range from increased visibility of the choroidal network, in mild cases, to choroidal sclerosis and atrophy in the far advanced instances. The retinal changes are manifested functionally by night blindness in many cases. Ophthalmoscopic retinal changes consist of atrophic changes of the pigment epithelium (which is responsible for the increased visibility of the choroidal circulation), pigmentary migration at the more advanced stages, and progress to marked vascular narrowing at the terminal stages. There is no universally accepted classification despite the efforts of Franceschetti,36 Sorsby,