Proton Spin-Lattice Relaxation in(Nd,La)2Mg3(NO3)12·24H2O in High Fields and Low Temperatures

The dependence of the proton relaxation time T1p on field H and temperature T in a crystal of (Nd,La)2 Mg3 (NO3)12·24H2O grown from a solution containing 1% Nd is measured over the ranges 10H50 kOe and 0.5T3K using a He3 cryostat in a superconducting solenoid. Over these wide ranges the relaxation data for cH are well fitted by the expression T1p1=2.1×1016H3 coth(2.7βH2kT) sech2(2.7βH2kT)+9.9×108H coth(4.4βH2kT) sech2(4.4βH2kT) invsec where β=Bohrmagneton, k=Boltzmann'sconstant, and H is in Oe. The first term is due to Nd3+, the second to a small impurity of a non-Kramers ion, possibly Fe2+. Both are in agreement with predictions from a shell-of-influence model, including diffusion effects. At 19.5 kOe and 0.5°K, we find T1p=40 h, showing that dynamically induced proton polarization in this crystal can be maintained for very long times. In particular, the data display well the sech2 factor, leading to exponentially increasing proton relaxation times at high fields and low temperatures, T1p(T) exp(gβHkt), due to the depopulation of the upper Nd3+ Zeeman level.

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