TFIIS elongation factor and Mediator act in conjunction during transcription initiation in vivo

The transcription initiation and elongation steps of protein-coding genes usually rely on unrelated protein complexes. However, the TFIIS elongation factor is implicated in both processes. We found that, in the absence of the Med31 Mediator subunit, yeast cells required the TFIIS polymerase II (Pol II)-binding domain but not its RNA cleavage stimulatory activity that is associated with its elongation function. We also found that the TFIIS Pol II-interacting domain was needed for the full recruitment of Pol II to several promoters in the absence of Med31. This work demonstrated that, in addition to its thoroughly characterized role in transcription elongation, TFIIS is implicated through its Pol II-binding domain in the formation or stabilization of the transcription initiation complex in vivo.