Individual variation and specific cognitive deficits in the fra(X) syndrome

Mental retardation has been associated with fra(X) but comprehensive psychological evaluation has rarely been applied to 2 major behavioral questions 1) the extent of individual variation in IQ among fra(X) males and the possibility of some fra(X) males being of normal IQ; and 2) whether there is a depression in general IQ or whether specific abilities are impaired. The problems of developing an effective battery of tests for assessing fra(X) are discussed. These questions were examined in 54 individuals, comprising fra(X) males, their obligate carrier mothers and those sisters shown to have the fra(X). Among noninstitutionalised males nonverbal IQ as measured on a Block Design test ranged from 100 to 0, and vocabulary scores while generally higher, ranged from 79–33. The males scored low on a digit span memory task, while performance on a memory of objects task was adequate. Despite lower overall scores, a similar pattern and variability emerged in institutionalised males. Daughters were extremely variable in performance and the mothers performed much better, supporting the view that women who have children are a selected subset of fra(X) syndrome individuals. The performance of one male is discussed in detail. His vocabulary and nonverbal IQ scores were normal, despite his having other specific cognitive deficits. The pattern of abilities and behavior seen in fra(X) may result in an overestimation of intelligence and underestimation of penetrance when based on clinical impressions rather than formal psychological assessment. The implications of this for molecular and for population genetic approaches to fra(X) are discussed.