Predictions for patterns of symmetry breaking in vector and tensor mesons are extracted from poledominated finite-energy sum rules. Kinematic factors relate deviations in couplings to the mass-spectrum splitting. For vector mesons, in addition to the usual problem of the small Γ(pπγ), we find that Γ(K*+K+γ) must almost certainly be above its present upper bound of 80 keV. Consistency arguments dictate a choice between the two possible sets of ηγ widths for the ρ and ω. In addition, we extract both Dγ and Dπ widths for the charmed vector meson D*. For the tensor mesons, predictions Γ(A2πγ)=490±60 keV, Γ(K**+K+γ)=125±60 keV, and Γ(K**0K0γ)=32±15 keV imply large deviations from both symmetry and naive vector-meson-dominance predictions. Additional consistency relations between η and η reactions lead to Γtotal(η)=480±120 keV.