The variation in the incidence and the severity of rickets for particular geographic locations is a long established fact. It is conceded generally among clinicians of this country that the incidence of severe rickets in the extreme Southern states is much less than in the Northern states. Patients with rickets showing marked deformity of the bones are extremely rare in the clinics of New Orleans. Mild deformities of the bones, such as eversion of the ribs at the infracostal margins, beading at the costochondral junctions, epiphyseal enlargements at the wrists, flattening of the walls of the chest and first degree bowing of the legs are fairly common here, but these conditions are rarely encountered in their advanced stages. The usual manifestations in the cases of rickets are: Moderate enlargement of the epiphyses at the wrists, beading at the costochondral junctions, slight deformities of the chest, parietal bosses, delayed dentition, muscular