The value of screening as an approach to cervical cancer control in iceland, 1964‐1986

The effect of screening for cervical cancer on time trends in incidence and mortality from that disease, and the occurrence of pre-invasive cervical lesions during the period 1964–1986, were analyzed. After commencement of screening in 1964 all the above parameters increased for a short initial period but then fell markedly. From 1980, coinciding with a sharp rise in regular attendance rate, there was an increase in incidence up to 1984, followed by a decrease. The rate of pre-invasive stages also increased from 1980, but appears to be levelling off. The cervical cancer mortality rate decreased significantly during the study period. In more recent years, a shift in the occurrence of cervical cancer and pre-invasive lesions from older to younger women has been observed. Screening still appears to be effective in the control of squamous-cell carcinomas of stages 1 B and over, but not of adeno- and adeno-squamous carcinomas.