The Lifetime of the Lowest 6+ State in 54Fe and E2 Effective Charge

The lifetime of the lowest 6 + state in 54 Fe was measured by the β + -γ delayed coincidence method in the decay of the 1.43 min 54 Co isomer. The half life was determined to be 1.24±0.04 nsec and B (E2: 6 + →4 + )=38.9±1.3 e 2 f m 4 . Assuming pure πf 7/2 -2 configuration both for the 6 + and 4 + states in 54 Fe, the polarization charge of the 0f 7/2 proton (δ e eff ) with 56 Ni as a core is deduced to be 0.9 e . From comparison with theoretical calculations a contribution to δ e eff due to the 2\(\hslash\omega\) excitation of an inert core is found to be nearly the same in 48 Ca and 56 Ni.