To the Editor:— We should like to offer some information which may serve as a warning against a patient whom we recently had on our medical wards, named Leo Lamphere. The patient is a merchant seaman and former professional wrestler whom we believe to be a professional "hospital bum," psychopath, and possible Demerol addict. Since 1950 the patient has apparently been working his way from hospital to hospital complaining of chest pain, hemoptysis, and leg symptoms representing an old recurrent thrombophlebitis. When admitted here he was headed east from San Francisco and had been hospitalized in Oakland, Calif.; in Montana; and in South Dakota. A boisterous, childish, difficult man, he has enough real pathological conditions to excite the interest and sympathy of the average doctor. While at this hospital he had repeated bronchoscopies, bronchograms, and chest films, all of which were normal. No real chest lesion had been found by