Logarithmic Factors in the High-Energy Behavior of Quantum Electrodynamics

The perturbation series for electron-electron elastic scattering in quantum electrodynamics is studied in the limit of high energies. For this matrix element, in addition to the previously known terms which are proportional to s (the square of the c.m. energy) and hence lead to a constant total cross section at high energies, there are found terms of the orders of magnitudes slns, s(lns)2, s(lns)3, etc. For n=1, 2, 3, , the coefficient of s(lns)n is a power series in the fine-structure constant α, where the leading term is proportional to α2(n+1) and is due to Feynman diagrams with n closed electron loops. Physically, through the optical theorem, the presence of these terms is intimately related to the production of low-energy electron-positron pairs in high-energy electron-electron scattering, but is independent of whether the spin-1 particle is a photon with zero mass or massive neutral vector meson. These leading terms of order α2(n+1) are explicitly found for all n, and are all imaginary, representing absorption. The procedure of summing the leading term is carried out, and the result demonstrates dramatically the importance of unitarity in the direct, or s, channel for high-energy processes. Generalization to two-body diffraction processes a+ba+b is immediate.