The results of previous workers in regard to seasonal, sex and pregnancy variations of keto-nuria in rats on a high fat diet are confirmed. The ketogenic action of ant. pituitary extracts on fasting and fat-fed rats, and on fasting rabbits, was confirmed. Fasting rats give more consistent responses to ketogenic extracts than either fat-fed rats or fasting rabbits. Ketogenic response to such extracts is greater in fasting [male] rats than in fasting [female] rats, while the increases in liver fat are greater in [female][female]. After 36 hr. fasting, administration of a ketogenic prep. to [female] rats resulted in a ketonuria which followed the increase in liver fat. In [male] rats under similar conditions the resulting increase in liver fat was so small that it was not possible to determine the time of onset in relationship to the commencement of ketonuria. Evidence is presented suggesting that a large ketogenic response to ant. pituitary extracts is accompanied by a small increase in liver fat, and conversely; and that the effect on ketonuria should be studied together with that on liver fat. A test in which this may be done is descr.

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