The pine sawfly, Neodiprion sertijer, is a serious pest of forest plantings of red and Scotch pines and unless controlled may cause extensive damage. Sprayings during 2 summers have shown that the sawfly larvae may be readily and economically controlled by conc. sprays of Pb arsenate applied by high pressure with a ground sprayer. The spray is not applied directly to the trees but is directed up through, or over them and drifts down from above. The best time to apply the spray is when the larvae are 0.25-0.4 inch long or during the latter part of Apr. or in early May. Approx. 100 gallons of the conc. spray were required per acre for trees averaging 10-15 feet tall and planted 6 X 8 feet. The cost of spraying including rent of sprayer, materials and labor varied from $5 to $7 per acre.