Resonant interactions of optical phonons with acceptor continuum states in silicon

We have performed and analyzed optical-absorption experiments which provide clear evidence of Breit-Wigner-Fano resonant interactions between the electronic continuum states of acceptors and localized excitations involving optical phonons in silicon. For boron, the 519-cm1 zone-center phonon lies within the region of excitation to the continuum of the p32 valence band, leading to an antiresonance at that wave number. In addition, antiresonances are observed in silicon doped with boron at 764 cm1, aluminum at 962 cm1, and gallium at 989 cm1. These numbers correspond to the one-phonon sidebands of the bound-to-bound 1S322P32 impurity excitations, which lie within the region of excitation to the continuum of the p12 valence band. Fano's theory is used to analyze these results.