Inhibitory Effect of Antiviral Compounds on Viruses in vivo and in Mouse Ascites Cells in vitro.

Summary The antiviral activities of a number of known antiviral compounds, including HBB, 5-iodo-2′-deoxyuridine, fluoro-phenylalanine, N-methylisatin-thiosemicarba-zone, ammonium sulfate, Statolon and Hele-nine on Columbia SK and LCM virus propagation in cultures of mouse ascites tumor cells have been described. These compounds were also compared with several other compounds not previously recognized as antiviral: methylglyoxal-bis-guanylhydrazone. 1,6-dinitronaphthalene, phosphotungstic acid, the dihexachlorocyclopentadiene adduct of naph-thalene-3-sulfonic acid-2-carboxylic acid and vit, B12. Statolon was effective against Columbia SK infection in the mouse when given prophylactically 2 days before inoculation of the virus.