Ion-Ion Velocity Space Instability

An electrostatic instability caused by the difference between θ⊥‐i and θ‖‐i , the ion temperatures perpendicular and parallel to magnetic field, is discussed. Results show that the instability disappears as the ratio θ⊥‐i‖‐i approaches roughly a value of 16 and also when for a given value of θ⊥‐i‖‐i the ratio θ⊥‐i‖‐e becomes large, θ‖‐e being the electron temperature parallel to the magnetic field. From the results it is also concluded that this instability disappears, irrespective of the values of θ⊥‐i‖‐i , and θ⊥‐i‖‐e , whenever the plasma density is low enough so that the square of ion gyrofrequency is greater than about 2.8 times the square of ion plasma frequency.