Superpacking of chromatin and the surface features of metaphase chromosomes have been studied by SiO replication of wet, unstained, and unfixed specimens in an exceedingly thin (≤ 1 nm) aqueous layer, keeping them wet. Hydrophilic Formvar substrates allow controlled thinning of the aqueous layer covering the wet specimens. Whole mounts of chromatin and chromosomes were prepared by applying a microsurface spreading method to swollen nuclei and mitotic cells at metaphase. The highest level of nucleosome folding of the inactive chromatin in chicken erythrocytes and rat liver nuclei is basically a second-order superhelical organization (width 150–200 nm, pitch distance 50–150 nm) of the elementary nucleosome filament. In unfavorable environments (as determined by ionic agents, fixative, and dehydrating agents) this superstructure collapses into chains of superbeads and beads. Formalin (10%) apparently attacks at discrete sites of chromatin, which are then separated into superbeads. The latter consist of 4–6 nucleosomes and seemingly correspond to successive turns of an original solenoidal coil (width 30–35 nm), which forms the superhelical organization. When this organization is unfolded, eg, in 1–2 mM EDTA, DNAse-sensitive filaments (diameter 1.7 nm) are seen to be wrapped around the nucleosomes. The wet chromosomes in each metaphase spread are held to each other by smooth microtubular fibers, 20–30 nm in diameter. Before they enter into a chromsome, these fibers branch into 9–13 protofilaments, each 5 nm wide. The chromosome surface contains a dense distribution of subunits about 10–25 nm in diameter. This size distribution corresponds to that of nucleosomes and their superbeads. Distinct from this beaded chromosome surface are several smooth, 23–30-nm-diameter fibers, which are longitudinal at the centromere and seem to continue into the chromatid structure. The surface replicas of dried chromosomes do not show these features, which are revealed only in wet chromosomes.