Radioimmunoassay for Central Nervous System Myelin‐Specific Proteolipid Protein

A double-antibody radioimmunoassay (RIA) has been developed with antisera to purified rat brain myelin proteolipid protein (PLP). The addition of Triton X-100 allowed antibody-antigen interaction and immune precipitation in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The RIA will accurately measure 8-80 ng of PLP in buffer or human serum. The RIA is highly specific for myelin PLP and does not cross-react with material in tissues (heart, kidney, muscle, testicle, and intestine) other than the central nervous system. The antibodies to rat myelin PLP cross-react with PLP from bovine brain homogenate or myelin. Myelin PLP was found to account for 55 and 52% of total myelin protein from bovine and rat brain, respectively. Furthermore, there is a higher concentration of PLP in white than in gray matter corresponding to the degree of myelination. Unlike myelin basic protein, myelin PLP was undetectable in both bovine and rat peripheral nervous system.