Influence of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid, indole-3-acetic acid & method of sample collection on translocation of foliar applied radiocalcium

Two experiments were conducted to determine the influence of triiodobenzoic acid and indole acetic acid on the translocation of foliar-applied radiocalcium in the tomato. Conducting tissue samples were selected from 3 internodes and from the petiole of the leaf used for isotope application. Two methods of obtaining plant samples were employed. In 1 series of plants the samples were cut from fresh intact plants 24 hours after isotope application, whereas in the 2nd series the plants were dehydrated in a forced draft oven for 24 hours prior to sample selection. The pretreatment of plants with triiodobenzoic acid and indole acetic acid did not have any appreciable effect on Ca45 translocation. Samples from plants treated with triiodobenzoic did exhibit somewhat less radioactivity than samples from plants treated with indole acetic acid or control plants. Dehydration of intact plants in the forced draft oven resulted in an over-all increase in radioactivity of a hundredfold when compared to plants which were dismembered prior to drying. This was true regardless of chemical treatment.