PT XYZ is a company operating in the jewelry manufacturing industry. To find out the quality of jewelry before buying and selling it commercially, it is necessary to check the quality of the product. Analysis was carried out in the laboratory using the fire assay method using a furnace machine . This machine operates for 8-10 hours a day at a temperature of 1050 ° C. Using high temperatures can affect the effectiveness of the machine. The implementation of TPM is used to ensure that the equipment and tools used are in good condition. To calculate the machine effectiveness value, the OEE value measurement is used. Data collection was carried out in June 2023 – April 2024 The OEE value was obtained at 58.4%, which is still below the world class standard of >85%. The cause of the low OEE value is due to the low Performance value of 69.8%. The results of the analysis concluded that the causes of the decline in machine performance values were dominated by machine and human factors. The results of proposed improvements were obtained from the 5W 1H interview in the form of replacing the furnace engine chamber every 3 months , cleaning the chamber regularly, calibrating the furnace engine, checking blower traction , adding an automatic timer for the blower, briefing regarding the condition of the machine so that operators are more careful, carrying out cross check and record the estimated grade before carrying out the gold grade analysis.