Chromatin and nucleosome structure

Chromatin nucleosomes (mononucleosomes through pentanucleosomes) have been isolated by staphylococcal nuclease digestion of calf thymus nuclei. The peak value ellipticity is the same for all oligomers, 1900 deg cm2, mol−1 at 280 nm, 23°C. The dh280/dT vs T show a progressive increase in Tm of the main thermal band (73.5 °C, monomer; 79 °C, pentamer). Very small amounts of free DNA can be observed in the melting profiles, and shoulders at 60°C and 93°C appear and increase in magnitude as the particle size increases. The magnitude of the change, Δ [ϑ]280 increases with oligomer size. This pattern could result from an initial unfolding of an asymmetric assembly of nucleosomes (polynucleosome superhelix) in addition to the denaturation of the internal nucleosome structure, and a subsequent or simultaneous denaturation of the double strand DNA. The extent of this unfolding appears to depend upon the size of the oligomer and therefore implies interactions between asymmetrically assembled neighboring nucleosomes.