Spectroscopy of Gamma Radiation fromNd144,Sr88, andPb207

The energies of the cascade gamma rays in Nd144 are found to be 1487.0±1.1 kev and 696.7±0.6 kev and the measured energy of the crossover transition is 2186.0±2.2 kev. The agreement of these results is used to justify the claim of 0.1% accuracy for the scintillation spectrometer with anticoincidence annulus for the measurement of gamma-ray energies in the interval from 0.5 Mev to roughly 3.0 Mev. An energy of 570.8±0.5 kev is obtained for the low-energy radiation from Pb207 and energies of 1836.2±1.7 kev and 898.7±0.8 kev are reported for two Sr88 gamma rays. Also measurements are given for the relative intensities of the 2.18-Mev, 1.48-Mev, and 0.696-Mev gamma rays of Nd144, the relative intensities of the 1.8-Mev and 0.898-Mev transitions in Sr88, and the relative intensities of the 1.06-Mev and 0.57-Mev transitions in Pb207.