Magnetic field effects for the asymmetric Anderson Hamiltonian

Perturbation expansion for the asymmetric single-orbital Anderson Hamiltonian is extended to the case with finite magnetic field, and the self-energy part of the d-electron Green function is calculated up to the second order in u=U πΔ for arbitrary asymmetry η=12+εdU and magnetic field h. Zero-temperature density of localized states ρdσ(ω), magnetic moment m and static spin susceptibility χ, and low-temperature specific heat Cv=γT and magnetoresistance D of a dilute alloy are evaluated within the u2 approximation. Plausible arguments are given (which become exact in the symmetric case) that the higher-order terms do not change the qualitative features of our results. For large enough u the many-body (MB) effects give rise to three different types of behavior, depending on the value of asymmetry: (i) spin-fluctuation behavior for η<12, with large fluctuations of the d-level magnetization; (ii) mixed-valence behavior for η12, with large fluctuations of the d-level occupation; (iii) essentially mean-field behavior for η>12, where the MB effects are negligible even for u1. Thus both χ and γ at h=0 are enhanced by the increase of u for η<12, reduced for η>12, and practically unaffected at η12. As functions of η for a fixed u, χ and γ have a maximum at η=0 and decrease monotonously with increasing η, and do so more steeply the higher the u. For h0 and η12, χ and γ decrease monotonously with increasing h, the decrease being quicker for higher u and slower for higher η. For η>12, both