Cortisol Production Rate. VII. Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism in Infants and Children

Utilizing an in vivo isotope dilution technique based on 48 hr urine pools, cortisol production rates (CPRs) and urinary 17-hydroxycorticosteroids (17-OHCS) were estimated in 16 infants and children with hypothyroidism, and in 9 children and young adults with hyperthyroidism. The results were compared statistically with those obtained in 20 normal infants, children and young adults previously reported. Hypothyroid patients between the ages of 5 and 17 yr had a decrease in both CPR and 17-OHCS. However, 3 athyreotic cretins, less than 3 months old, and a mildly hypothyroid older infant had normal CPRs. In the hypothyroid patients there appeared to be a correlation between the duration and degree of hypothyroidism and the degree of depression of the CPR. Hyperthyroidism in the age group 5–17 yr induced a marked increase in CPR in only a few patients, while increasing the urinary 17-OHCS to a greater extent and with greater regularity.