Measurement of neutrino-proton and antineutrino-proton elastic scattering

We report here new measurements of neutrino-proton and antineutrino-proton elastic scattering, performed in the BNL neutrino beam. We observed a net signal of 212 neutrino events and 110 antineutrino events which lead to determination of the values Rνσ(νμ+pνμ+p)σ(νμ+nμ+p)=0.11±0.015, Rν¯σ(ν¯μ+pν¯μ+p)σ(ν¯μ+pμ++n)=0.19±0.035, and RNCσ(ν¯μ+pν¯μ+p)σ(νμ+pνμ+p)=0.41±0.09 for 0.40<Q2<0.90 (GeV/c)2 where Q2 is the square of the momentum transfer to the nucleon. The differential cross sections as functions of Q2, dσνdQ2 and dσν¯dQ2, are also determined. Our results are in good agreement with the Weinberg-Salam-Glashow-Iliopoulos-Maiani model of the weak and electromagnetic interactions and yield sin2θW=0.28±0.03.