Debrisoquine hydroxylation capacity: Problems of assessment in two populations

After the investigation of debrisoquine (D) [antihypertensive] metabolism to 4-hydroxydebrisoquine (4OHD) in 2 populations, problems with the practice of assessing this capacity by urinary D:4OHD ratios were presented. The distributions of both components of this ratio, when examined separately, displayed interethnic differences. The mean 0-8 h recovery of 4OHD in the caucasian group was 15.5 .+-. 1.1% (SE) of a 20 mg dose and 8.0 .+-. 1.5% in the oriental group. The corresponding values for unchanged D excretion were 33.0 .+-. 4.1% in orientals and 18.2 .+-. 2.3% in caucasians, a difference that is overlooked when D:4OHD ratios alone are examined. D and 4OHD excretion rates were equally variable but they correlated poorly; i.e., they tended to vary independently of each other. The ratio D:4OHD does not solely reflect an individual''s capacity towards D 4-hydroxylation and that equating these is unwarranted. This limitation does not necessarily invalidate judicious use of the ratio at the edges of the distribution curve, but it does call for additional investigations into the means to assess D metabolizing capacity in most subjects.