In a previous paper1 the literature on the pathologic changes of the adrenal glands in pemphigus was reviewed, and the findings in 6 cases seen at New York City Hospital were presented. Progressive severe destructive changes with subsequent cirrhosis were found in all cases, the acuteness and extent of the lesions corresponding to the duration and severity of the disease. Since that time I have been able to study the adrenal glands in another case of pemphigus, and the findings were so unusual that I shall now present them. REPORT OF CASE History.—A 34 year old Jewish woman was admitted to the hospital with a five to six months' history of generalized bullous lesions which had extended to the oral mucosa, producing severe pain, nausea and dysphagia. Intensive therapy with vitamin D (100,000 units a day) did not help, and despite the addition of penicillin, the patient