Optical-Model Analysis of Pion-Nucleus Scattering

Determination of nuclear-density parameters and of the rms pion charge radius rπ from the elastic scattering of pions by nuclei has been studied using the optical model proposed by Kisslinger. Good fits to the available data in the kinetic-energy region 24 MeVTπ153 MeV have been found by searching the parameter space. For Tπ80 MeV, i.e., Tπ large compared to nuclear binding energies but well below the N* resonance, the best-fit parameters are close to those predicted from pion-nucleon phase shifts. The nuclear radii obtained are consistent with electron-scattering radii; the calculated differential cross sections are sensitive to a second nuclear-density parameter for large angles. "Distortion" of the Coulomb amplitude in 24-MeV π±α scattering reduces rπ from 1.8±0.8 F to rπ2.0 F (two standard deviations), in agreement with West's recent calculation.