Helicity conservation and meson diffraction dissociation

In a Deck-model description of meson diffraction dissociation, we study the contribution made to the low-mass enhancement by the vector-meson-exchange Deck amplitudes. The vector-exchange amplitudes are parametrized with the help of data on the electroproduction of ρ mesons. Cross sections for vector exchange are compared to the standard pseudoscalar-meson-exchange Deck results and are found to be comparable in specific cases. A detailed spin and helicity amplitude analysis shows that the vector-exchange Deck amplitudes provide a low-mass system which satisfies approximate s-channel helicity conservation, whereas the pseudoscalar-exchange terms yield approximate t-channel helicity conservation. Combining the two contributions, we show that approximate s-channel helicity conservation holds in Kp(ρK)p and in Kp(ωK)p. However, t-channel helicity conservation is expected in Kp(K*π)p, πp(ρπ)p, and Kp(φK)p. These results agree with data. The relevance of these results to the interpretation of the Q-mesonresonance region is discussed.