The Scattering of 10.4-Mev Deuterons by Hydrogen

The dp elastic scattering cross section has been measured in the angular region 30°-160° CM (center-of-mass system) by means of a nuclear multiple photographic plate camera. Thin hydrogen gas targets were bombarded by the deuterons from the Los Alamos cyclotron, the incident deuteron energy at the center of the reaction volume being 10.4 Mev. Values of the scattering differential cross section are given within an absolute standard error of ±3 percent in the range 40°-140° CM and to ±5 percent in the remainder of the angular range observed. Results of this measurement are in good agreement with previously reported data. The estimated total nuclear cross section, 1.5×1024 cm2, is essentially that observed for the nd collision at the same center of mass energy. A least squares curve fit indicates S-, P- and D-wave interactions to be present at this energy.

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