Gamma Rays from Thermal Neutron Capture in Cl, V, Mn, and Co

The high-energy γ rays (Eγ>5 MeV) emitted in thermal-neutron capture by Cl, V, Mn, and Co have been observed with 20-keV resolution using a single lithium-drifted germanium detector and paraffin-moderated Pu-Be neutrons. The previously reported ground-state γ rays in Mn and V are found to contain primary transitions to the first excited states near 20-keV excitation. In addition, previously unreported lines in all four elements have been observed; most of these have been identified as primary transitions to levels known from (d, p) studies. Little correlation between the reduced γ-ray strengths IγEγ3 from the (n, γ) reaction, and the relative transition strengths (2J+1)S from the (d, p) reaction, is observed in Co and V.