Galvanomagnetic and Thermomagnetic Potentials in Zinc at Liquid Helium Temperatures

The Hall effect, magnetoresistance, thermoelectric voltage, and transverse Ettingshausen-Nernst potential have been measured in a single crystal of zinc in the liquid helium temperature range. Oscillations as a function of magnetic field strength were observed in all of these potentials. The measured period in 1H for the transverse oscillations was 6.2×105 gauss1±0.5%, with the magnetic field parallel to the hexagonal axis. Both transverse effects possessed strong second harmonic oscillations. The oscillations in the longitudinal effects both exhibited a phase inversion in the neighborhood of 4.2 kgauss, the same field region for which the gross Hall field changed sign. In this same field region the period of the oscillations for the longitudinal effects was that of the second harmonic.