C14(p, n)N14Reaction and the Two-Body Force

The C14(p, n)N14 reaction to the ground and first two levels of N14 has been investigated for proton energies between 6 and 14 MeV. The angular distributions at the highest energies have been analyzed by using a finite range distorted-wave Born-approximation formalism, assuming the two-body force to be of the form τ0·τi(b+aσ0·σi)f(r0i), where τ0 and σ0 refer to the isospin and spin of the incident nucleon, τi and σi refer to isospin and spin of the extra-core target nucleons, and f(r0i) is the Yukawa form factor with a range of 1.4 F. Calculations employing Visscher-Ferrell wave functions for C14 and N14 gave a good fit for the 0+0+ transition and a reasonable value for b of 9 MeV. However, the calculations for the 0+1+ ground-state and second-excited-state transitions yielded inconsistent values for a of 7 MeV for the excited transition and 21 MeV for the ground-state transition. This latter result is not unexpected, since (τ0·τi)(σ0·σi) is related to the Gamow-Teller β-decay operator. The fact that experimentally the (p, n) reaction to the ground state is not inhibited (while the corresponding β decay is strongly suppressed) indicates that the spin and charge-exchange operator is not sufficient to account for the (p, n) ground-state transition. An explanation of the observed ground-state cross section in C14(p, n) requires additional spin-flip mechanisms such as a tensor interaction or particle exchange.