Organ Distribution of Radiolabeled Enteric Escherichia Coli During and After Hemorrhagic Shock

Translocation of intestinal bacteria to the blood during hemorrhagic shock (HS) has been confirmed in rats and humans. The current study was designed to trace the path of translocated intestinal bacteria in a murine HS model. Thirty-one rats were gavaged with 1,000,000 counts of viable 14C oleic acid-labeled Escherichia coli. Forty-eight hours later the animals were bled to 30 mmHg until either 80% of their maximal shed blood was returned or 5 hours of shock had elapsed and they were resuscitated with Ringer's lactate as previously described. Control animals were cannulated but not shocked. Eight rats immediately after shock and resuscitation, 6 rats 24 hours after shock, 3 rats 48 hours after shock, and 4 animals that died in shock had their heart, lung, liver, spleen, kidney, and serum harvested, cultured, and radioactive content measured. Translocated enteric bacteria are found primarily in the lung immediately after shock with redistribution to the liver and kidney 24 hours later. Animals surviving to 48 hours were capable of eliminating the majority of the bacteria from their major organ systems. Positive cultures for E. coli were also found in the blood, lung, liver, and kidney. We speculate that the inflammatory response stimulated by the bacteria in these organs may contribute to the multiple-organ failure syndrome seen after HS.