Transport of Alanine, Arginine and Glutamic Acid in the Rabbit Erythrocyte and Reticulocyte.

Distribution ratios (concentration of labeled intracellular amino acid divided by the concentration of labeled extracellular amino acid) of the respective amino acids were determined during 30 min. incubation. These ratios indicate that alanine and glutamic acid are accumulated to a greater extent in the reticulocyte than in the erythrocyte. Conversely arginine is accumulated to a greater degree in the erythrocyte. Addition of iodo-acetic acid (10-3 [image]) caused marked inhibition of alanine and glutamic acid uptakes in the reticulocyte. This Inhibitor had little if any effect on the accumulation of any of the amino acids in the erythrocyte or arginine in the reticulocyte. Kinetic analysis revealed that alanine movement into both the erythrocyte and the reticulocyte and arginine movement into the erythrocyte behaved as if they occurred between 2 compartments.