An analysis of the 1,217-amino acid residue sequence of the precursor of mouse epidermal growth factor (mEGF) revealed regions of considerable similarity with bovine factor X, a blood coagulation factor. Similarities of mEGF itself with factor X, pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor and, most strikingly, transforming growth factor I (TGF-I) have been observed. On the basis of the comparisons described here, it seems that the presumptive 140-residue 19K early protein (relative molecular mass (Mr) 19,000) of vaccinia virus from residues 40-91 shows an overall identity of 36% (19/53 residues) with both mEGF and urogastrone (human epidermal growth factor, hEGF); a single deletion is assumed for vaccinia virus 19K protein which allows the six Cys residues (positions 45-80) to be aligned with those of mEGF or hEGF. This protein is encoded in the 10.3-kilobase (kb) inverted terminal repeat. Because it is an early protein with an EGF-like central portion, the 19K vaccinia virus protein may have an autocrine function and may be required for DNA synthesis.