Identity elements of human tRNALeu: structural requirements for converting human tRNASerinto a leucine acceptorin vitro

We have previously shown that the exchange of the discriminator base A73 of human tRNA(Leu) for G is alone sufficient to achieve complete loss of leucine acceptance and to create an efficient serine acceptor. The reverse identity switch, however, which was studied using T7 RNA polymerase transcripts of in vitro mutagenized tRNA genes, reveals a far more complex pattern of identity elements for tRNA(Leu). Introduction of the following tRNA(Leu)-specific structures is necessary to transform human tRNA(Ser) into an efficient leucine acceptor: the discriminator base A73, the base pairs C3:G70, A4:U69 and G5:C68 of the acceptor stem, C20a of the DHU loop and the long extra arm. In contrast to tRNA(Ser), human tRNA(Leu) identity requires both the sequence and the correct orientation of the long extra arm, whereas only its orientation is essential for serine identity.