Study of theCo59(n,γ)Co60Reaction and the Level Structure ofCo60

The level structure of the odd-odd Co60 nucleus has been studied using the thermal-neutron capture reaction Co59(n,γ)Co60. The gamma-ray spectrum from this reaction in the energy intervals 50-1850 keV and 4500-7500 keV has been studied with a Li-drifted Ge spectrometer system. A number of new transitions are reported. The observed levels are compared with those excited by the Co59(d,p) reaction. Gamma-gamma coincidence measurements using Ge(Li) and NaI detectors have been made, which provide considerable information about the low—energy-level structure. In these measurements a primary high-energy transition, selected by the Ge(Li) detectors, defines a particular low-lying level. The decay of this level, isolated by the coincidence requirement from extraneous background, is observed with a NaI detector. Spins and parities of the excited states below about 1 MeV are deduced from the observed gamma-ray branches. The low-lying excited states are interpreted in terms of the π(f72)1ν(p32)1, π(f72)1ν(f52)1, and π(f72)1ν(p12)1 proton-neutron configurations. The spectra of these configurations, calculated using a zero-range central force for the residual interaction, are compared with the observed levels.