Fe57Mössbauer effect in ScFe2and ScFe2H2

The intermetallic compound ScFe2 is able to absorb large quantities of hydrogen gas without a change in crystal structure. The ternary hydride has the composition ScFe2 H2. Its lattice constants are a=5.279 Å and c=8.507 Å (C14 type). By means of magnetic measurements we found that the moment per Fe atom changes from 1.4μB to 2.2μB. Using Fe57 Mössbauer-effect spectroscopy we observed that an increase of the same magnitude (about 60%) also occurs in the hyperfine splitting. On the other hand, only a rather small change in isomer shift was observed to accompany the hydrogen absorption. Arguments are presented that it is difficult to explain the moment change in terms of a simple 3d-band picture and charge-transfer effects.