Distribution of vitamin A in the tissues of the eels Anguilla vulgaris and A. aucklandi Rich

In some eels the body contains a greater total quantity of vit. A than the liver: Vit. A. concn. in body tissues tends to increase with age and in A. aucklandi seems related to the amount of oil present. In the scanty liver oil, A-concn. increases irregularly with age. The distribution of vit. A. is roughly: body tissues 25-65% of total; liver 20-60%; skin ca. 10%; viscera 2%; head 11/2%. Vit. A. was also estimated in some non-liver tissues of conger eel, sturgeon, halibut, herring and lamprey. The spectr. SbCl3 test is usually best for such materials. Saponification is essential.