Search forH5

Following the suggestion that H5 might be stable against nucleon emission, a search was made for delayed neutrons resulting from the reaction Li7(γ, 2p)H5. The targets were bombarded with a 340-MeV bremsstrahlung beam and the delayed neutrons detected in a shielded paraffin-moderated array of BF3 counters. Counts were scaled in 14 delay channels of variable width and variable initial delay. Separated isotopes of Li7 and Li6 were used as targets. As H5 cannot be produced from the bombardment of Li6, counts observed during the bombardment of Li6 were used to measure the background. After background subtraction, the data fall uniformly about zero and show no apparent lifetime. Assuming a 10-msec half-life, an upper limit for the activation cross section is σA3×1032 cm2. A comparison of this with the yield expected from the extrapolation of the measured yields of the reactions B11(γ, 2p)Li9 and F19(γ, 2p)N17 indicates that the upper limit for the activation cross section is of the order of 1% of the expected yield. Hence it appears unlikely that H5 is stable against particle emission.