Ti47andTi49Hyperfine Structure in the Electron Spin Resonance of Titanium (III) Complexes

Satellite lines have been resolved in the solution electron spin resonance spectra of two complexes of titanium (III). These lines arise from hyperfine interaction of the unpaired electron with the odd isotopes of titanium, Ti47 and Ti49. The nuclear spins of the two isotopes are found to be 52 and 72, respectively, in agreement with earlier nuclear induction intensity measurements. The Ti hyperfine constants for the two complexes are almost identical (50.0 Mc/sec). The two complexes studied are a one-to-one complex between titanium (III) and the OCH3 ion, and the TiF2+ ion. The preparation of these complexes is discussed. In the case of the TiF2+ ion, an additional hyperfine interaction is observed with the two fluorine nuclei. The splitting constant for the fluorine interaction is 21.1 Mc/sec.