A program for least squares analysis of reassociation and hybridization data

A computer program is described for the rapid calculation of least squares solutions for data fitted to different functions normally used in reassociation and hybridization kinetic measurements. The equations for the fraction not reacted as a function of Cot follow: First order, exp(−kCot); second order, (1+kCot)−1 ; variable order, (1+kCot)−n; approximate fraction of DNA sequence remaining single stranded, (1+kCot)−44; and a function describing the pairing of tracer when the rate constant for the tracer (k) is distinct from the driver rate constant kd): exp{kL1-(1+kdCot)1−nJ/Lkd(1-n)J}. Several components may be used for most of these functional forms. The standard deviations of the individual parameters at the solutions are calculated.