In Vitro Assay for Predicting Protein Efficiency Ratio as Measured by Rat Bioassay: Collaborative Study

Seven laboratories collaborated in testing the calculated protein efficiency ratio (C-PER and DC-PER). The collaborative study required each laboratory to analyze 6 foods and a control protein (ANRC casein) for in vitro apparent protein digestibility, amino acid composition, and PER via rat bioassay. The 6 foods or food ingredients tested were nonfat dry milk, cooked chicken muscle, protein-fortified dry breakfast cereal, textured soy protein, oat-based dry breakfast cereal, and durum wheat flour. Data obtained from the study were analyzed statistically for the intralaboratory variation for each method of analysis (i.e., amino acid analysis, PER, etc.). The ability of the C-PER to rapidly predict rat PER was also measured. The C-PER and DC-PER methods were adopted official first action.