Taxonomic Relationships of Alcaligenes spp . to Certain Soil Saprophytes and Plant Parasites

In the 5th edition of Bergey''s Manual the family Rhizobiaceae is recognized, containing Rhizobium, Alcaligenes and Chromobacterium. The present paper discusses the relationships of the species ordinarily placed in these genera and shows that they are very similar; apparently certain spp. of plant pathogens now commonly placed in Phytomonas belong with them. Various soil saprophytes seem to belong in the same family, presumably as spp. of Alcaligenes. The most important common characteristics of the spp. of this family are: flagella when present are 1-4 but never occur as a polar clump (when monotrichous, the single flagellum may be either polar or lateral); the organisms can utilize glucose without the production of organic acid, with CO2 and cell substance the principal carbonaceous end-products.