Measurements and analysis of thePb208(C12,C)13, (C12,B11), and (C12,C14) reactions

A Pb208 target was bombarded with 97.9-MeV C12 ions accelerated in the Oak Ridge isochronous cyclotron and the reaction products detected with a 60-cm long position-sensitive proportional counter placed at the focal plane of an Elbek spectrograph. Differential cross sections were measured for the Pb208(C12, B11), Pb208(C12, C13), and Pb208(C12, C14) reactions. The single-nucleon transfer data, together with previous measurements taken for the same two reactions at 77.4 and 116.4 MeV, were analyzed using exact finite-range, full-recoil, distorted-wave Born-approximation calculations. Elastic scattering for B11 + Bi209 at 74.6 MeV and C13 + Pb207 at 86.1 MeV was also measured and optical optical potential fits obtained to provide potentials for use in the distorted-wave Born-approximation calculations. Both Woods-Saxon and folded potentials were used in fitting the elastic data. The importance of the various interaction terms in the distorted-wave Born approximation was studied. Good agreement was found between theory and experiment for the (C12, C13) reactions, and the spectroscopic factors deduced were satisfactory. The data for the (C12, B11) reactions, although also yielding satisfactory spectroscopic factors, tend to peak at smaller angles than the predicted...